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Trate quadros simples de diarreia em casa com chás e infusões para manter a flora intestinal saudável.
A diarreia é uma reação do organismo para expulsar microrganismos invasores, especialmente se foi desencadeada por vírus, bactérias ou parasitas. Em muitos casos, a diarreia é resultado da ingestão de alimentos ou líquidos contaminados e requer atenção imediata, sobretudo devido às complicações associadas à desidratação.
Além dos sintomas gastrointestinais típicos, como dores abdominais e evacuações frequentes, a diarreia pode indicar problemas intestinais mais sérios que necessitam de avaliação médica. É fundamental estar atento a qualquer sinal de alerta e buscar orientação profissional diante de evacuações persistentes ou outros sintomas preocupantes.
Diarrhea: Symptoms and Gastrointestinal Problems
Adults are usually more resistant to dehydration caused by diarrhea. However, children and the elderly may experience more serious complications. It is usually not necessary to use medications to treat the problem, which typically resolves on its own within two days to two weeks. The initial moments are the most challenging, with a higher volume of stools and/or vomiting. After three days, the intestinal mucosa can fully regenerate.
Intestinal Agents and Infectious Complications
The main recommendation is to consume plenty of fluids such as water, coconut water, juices, teas, isotonic drinks, and oral rehydration solution (available at health centers), maintain a light diet, and wait for the situation to improve. Before seeking medical attention, opting for homemade oral rehydration solutions or teas can significantly alleviate symptoms and the overall condition. However, if the problem persists for more than three days, it is advisable to consult a doctor.
Causes and Symptoms of Intestinal Disorders
Immediate medical attention should be sought if diarrhea is accompanied by blood or a fever above 38ºC. During the episode, consume easily digestible foods to protect your intestines, along with plenty of fluids – soups are highly recommended! Opt for cooked vegetables with low fiber content, such as carrots. Teas are also a great option during diarrhea.
Complications Caused by Gastrointestinal Inflammation
Some herbal infusions and medicinal teas can aid in water absorption by the body. While most infusions can be helpful during this time, avoid diuretic ones like horsetail, parsley, hibiscus, and bearberry. Discover the best teas to consume during a bout of diarrhea:
Intestinal Flora and Inflammatory Disorders
1. Chamomile: Besides aiding in fluid replacement, chamomile helps reduce the frequency of bowel movements due to its antispasmodic effect, decreasing intestinal contractions. Chamomile contains apigenin, which has anti-inflammatory properties, improving inflammatory gastrointestinal disorders. Chamomile can also be applied topically (warm compresses) on the abdomen for children’s colic. To prepare chamomile tea, infuse a tablespoon of dried flowers in a cup of hot water. Wait five to ten minutes after infusion to strain and consume the tea.
2. Pomegranate: Rich in tannins that increase water absorption and reduce stool movements, pomegranate tea from the fruit’s peels or stems, rich in antioxidants that balance intestinal flora, aids in diarrhea treatment. A tea made from pomegranate leaves, flowers, and fruit can reduce bowel movements and expedite healing, leading to fewer abdominal contractions and firmer stools.
3. Green Tea: Recommended post-diarrhea for its mineral content, green tea can also be used during the episode. It effectively compensates for losses associated with diarrhea and supports overall recovery.
Fonte: @ Minha Vida